Puppy first clip Q&A

Good news! We are now accepting puppies between 17 and 24 weeks old who have not yet received any professional grooming services.


Q. How can I book in ?
A: We will begin taking new clients again from 1st July 2023. Please TEXT 0480 181 078 reply new client/puppy client/special care client. We will send the correct application form for you. Please fill in and submit. We will review and confirm asap given we are not fully booked.

If you can kindly notify us after submission, we can review quicker as sometimes we do not receive the notifications.

Your application will be reviewed within 48 hours. Successful applicants will be contacted via text or email. If you haven't heard from us after 48 hours, it may mean that we are full or unable to help you.


Contact us via Text only 0480 181 078 ( Please do not call and BE KIND)

Q. What is your recommended for my puppy 

A.If you missed our puppy classroom, we suggest trying our puppy bath with a free tidy session for the first visit. We will do small tidies on the eyes, paws, under paws bottom, hygiene, ears clean, and nail cut, suited to your puppy's stage.

Q. How long does it take for the puppy bath with free tidy and puppy first clip?

A.The puppy bath with free tidy takes roughly 1.5 hours. We give your puppy time to explore, socialize and play with other nice dogs while we introduce our grooming process. During the whole process, we observe and provide positive education to the puppy. The first clip will be about 2 hours.

Q. How often my puppy do the second clip?

A.We usually discuss and provide advice when you pick up your puppy. But we have a strict policy that all dogs must regularly visit us within 3.5 months or less. We do not take dogs over 3.5 months.

Q. I saw are cute photos on instagram, can you cut the same?

A. We have our standards for every puppy's first clip. In our opinion, the first clip is a practice clip to provide your puppy with basic hygiene and keep them clean and natural. Therefore, if you cannot accept it, Filicious may not suit your requirements. However, we do accept requests regarding a lifestyle, such as a shorter eyes area or mouth.

Q. Can I stay with my puppy? 

A. We only suggest staying with your puppy during the puppy classroom session. Puppies over 16 weeks will need to be dropped off and picked up only, but you can stay with your puppy for a while before they go for their bath. 

Q. May I request a style cut for my puppy first clip?

A. We have our standards to do every puppy first clip. In our opinion, the first clip is a practice clip, it is to provide your puppy with basic hygiene and to keep your puppy clean and natural. Therefore, if you have high expectation for the look, that Filicious may not suit your requirements.

Q. When my puppy can do a first clip, I don't want shave or too short

A. For oodle breeds, 4-6 months is the best time to first clip. But we would provide an individuals advice for each puppy depending on the season, breed, behaviour, coat type, skin condition, life style, owner favours and the puppy de-sexing date to suggest the first clip date. The first clip we DO NOT DO SHORT CLIP.

Q. Will my dog's hygiene or bottom be shaved?

A. We do not shave and do not recommend grooming the hygiene or bottom area of a puppy under 1 year old. If your puppy is feeling uncomfortable or itchy after the grooming session, please discourage them from licking the area to avoid making it worse.

Q. Can I wait my puppy 1 year old for the first clip?

A. No, We highly recommend NOT to wait a year.  In our experience no owners can keep their puppy fur tidy and un-matted for 1 year without professional groomed. (above recommendation mostly for long hair and oodles breed)